Tuesday, February 2, 2021

2021 Calendar graphgan - February

 February conversation hearts

It is now February 2021 and here in the US, a new president has taken office. I would like to say things might settle down here now, but it isn’t likely. On a lighter note…

February brings about thoughts of valentine’s day. Love and romance are in the air. Why not celebrate the month with some conversation hearts? If you are following along with this pattern on my YouTube channel, you see that the middle heart is white, and the graph shows yellow. I wanted it to be white, but I had to choose a color to stand in since the graph's background is white.

Like last month’s piece of the calendar blanket, my background color is this light tan called ARAN. It is a Red heart super saver yarn. I have also found a pink that I am using for the border that wasn’t in the last month’s blanket portion. I added it and if you plan on putting a border on, you might want to do it when you complete this month’s blanket portion.


Yarn- I am using Red Heart Supersaver medium #4 worsted weight yarn

Background color- Mine is ARAN

5 Different colors for 5 Hearts- Mine are Red, Orange, White, Green/lime, Purple

Border color- Mine is Pink

Blunt end yarn needle

A pair of Scissors

I work this pattern in rows; it is all single crochet. At the end of each row Chain 1 and turn. You will have 40 single crochets in each row and there are 40 rows, plus the border.


Ch= chain

Sc= single crochet

Bg= Background color

R= Red

Or= Orange

Y= Yellow

G= Green

P= Purple

Start with a slip knot and Chain 41

Row 1- 40 Sc Bg, Ch 1 and turn (Do this at the end of every row)

Row 2 – 10 Sc Bg, 1 Sc Or, 18 Sc Bg, 1 Sc R, 10 Sc Bg

Row 3- 9 Sc Bg, 3 Sc R, 16 Sc Bg, 3 Sc Or, 9 Sc Bg

Row 4- 8 Sc Bg, 5 Sc Or, 14 Sc Bg, 5 Sc R, 8 Sc Bg

Row 5 -7 Sc Bg, 7 Sc R, 12 Sc Bg, 7 Sc Or, 7 Sc Bg

Row 6- 6 Sc Bg, 9 Sc Or, 10 Sc Bg, 9 Sc R, 6 Sc Bg

Row 7- 5 Sc Bg, 11 Sc R, 8 Sc Bg, 11 Sc Or, 5 Sc Bg

Row 8 – 4 Sc Bg, 13 Sc Or, 6 Sc Bg, 13 Sc R, 4 Sc Bg

Row 9- 4 Sc Bg, 13 Sc R, 6 Sc Bg, 13 Sc Or, 4 Sc Bg

Row 10- 4 Sc Bg, 13 Sc Or, 6 Sc Bg, 13 Sc R, 4 Sc Bg

Row 11- 4 Sc Bg, 13 Sc R, 6 Sc Bg, 13 Sc Or, 4 Sc Bg

Row 12- 5 Sc Bg, 5 Sc Or, 1 Sc Bg, 5 Sc Or, 8 Sc Bg, 5 Sc R, 1 Sc Bg, 5 Sc R, 5 Sc Bg

Row 13- 6 Sc Bg, 3 Sc R, 3 Sc Bg, 3 Sc R, 10 Sc Bg, 3 Sc Or, 3 Sc Bg, 3 Sc Or, 6 Sc Bg

Row 14- 40 Sc Bg

Row 15-20 Sc Bg, 1 Sc Y, 19 Sc Bg

Row 16- 18 Sc Bg, 3 Sc Y, 19 Sc Bg

Row 17- 18 Sc Bg, 5 Sc Y, 17 Sc Bg

Row 18- 16 Sc Bg, 7 Sc Y, 17 Sc Bg

Row 19- 16 Sc Bg, 9 Sc Y, 15 Sc Bg

Row 20- 14 Sc Bg, 11 Sc Y, 15 Sc Bg

Row 21- 14 Sc Bg, 13 Sc Y, 13 Sc Bg

Row 22- 13 Sc Bg, 13 Sc Y, 14 Sc Bg

Row 23- 14 Sc Bg, 13 Sc Y, 13 Sc Bg

Row 24- 13 Sc Bg, 13 Sc Y, 14 Sc Bg

Row 25- 15 Sc Bg, 5 Sc Y, 1 Sc Bg, 5 Sc Y, 14 Sc Bg

Row 26- 15 Sc Bg, 3 Sc Y, 3 Sc Bg, 3 Sc Y, 16 Sc Bg

Row 27- 40 Sc Bg

Row 28- 10 Sc Bg, 1 Sc G, 18 Sc Bg, 1 Sc P, 10 Sc Bg

Row 29- 9 Sc Bg, 3 Sc P, 16 Sc Bg 3 Sc G, 9 Sc Bg

Row 30- 8 Sc Bg, 5 Sc G, 14 Sc Bg, 5 Sc P, 8 Sc Bg

Row 31- 7 Sc Bg, 7 Sc P, 12 Sc Bg, 7 Sc G, 7 Sc Bg

Row 32- 6 Sc Bg, 9 Sc G, 10 Sc Bg, 9 Sc P, 6 Sc Bg

Row 33- 5 Sc Bg, 11 Sc P, 8 Sc Bg, 11 Sc G, 5 Sc Bg

Row 34- 4 Sc Bg, 13 Sc G, 6 Sc Bg, 13 Sc P, 4 Sc Bg

Row 35- 4 Sc Bg, 13 Sc P, 6 Sc Bg, 13 Sc G, 4 Sc Bg

Row 36- 4 Sc Bg, 13 Sc G, 6 Sc Bg, 13 Sc P, 4 Sc Bg

Row 37- 4 Sc Bg, 13 Sc P, 6 Sc Bg, 13 Sc G, 4 Sc Bg

Row 38- 5 Sc Bg, 5 Sc G, 1 Sc Bg, 5 Sc G, 8 Sc Bg, 5 Sc P, 1 Sc Bg, 5 Sc P, 5 Sc Bg

Row 39- 6 Sc Bg, 3 Sc P, 3 Sc Bg, 3 Sc P, 10 Sc Bg, 3 Sc G, 3 Sc Bg, 3 Sc G, 6 Sc G

Row 40- 40 Sc Bg

Fasten off

Border –

With your border color, make a slip knot and attach the yarn in the upper right-hand corner. Single crochet in every single crochet across for 40 single crochets. Chain one and put a second single crochet in the corner. Now work down the raw edge, putting a single crochet at the end of each row. Until you get to the corner. In the corner you need to put a single crochet chain one and single crochet. Work single crochets across the bottom. This will be the beginning chain where you started your work. Put a single crochet in every chain across. Work the corner with a single crochet chain one and single crochet. Work a single crochet at the end of each row up the other raw edge. When you get to the top where you put in your first single crochet for the border, put one single crochet chain one and slip stitch into the first single crochet. Fasten off and sew in your tails. 

Youtube link for the blanket

conversation hearts video

Youtube link for adding the words

adding words

Youtube link for the border


2021 Calendar graphgan - February

  February conversation hearts It is now February 2021 and here in the US, a new president has taken office. I would like to say things mi...